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  1. above all

  (1)首先:Above all was the sense of hearing. 首先是聽的感覺。

  (2)最重要的是:But above all things: I am basketball. 但最重要的是,我為籃球而生。

  (3)尤其:My mother likes fruit and, above all, apples我母親喜歡吃水果,尤其是蘋果。

  2.account for

  (1)解釋,說明:Jack could not account for his foolish mistake. 杰克無法解釋自己的愚蠢錯誤。

  (2)導致,引起,起因于:The flood accounted for the bad crop. 水災導致歉收。

  (3)對(或為)…負責:You will have to account for the disappearance of the money. 你要對丟失了錢負責。

  (4)共計達;(在數(shù)量、比例上)占:It accounts for 15 per cent of all air accidents. 它占所有空難的15%。

  3.after all

  (1)終究:After all, paper can not hold fire. 紙終究是包不住火的。

  (2)畢竟:Culture, after all, is its own reward. 畢竟,文化本身就是一種回饋。

  4.air /plane crash/accident 空難

  car crash=car accident 車禍

  5.be allergic to 對…..過敏;( allergic adj 對……過敏的;對……極討厭的)

  I'm allergic to beef and mutton.我對牛肉和羊肉過敏

  6.appeal to

  (1)吸引:This book doesn't appeal to children.這本書對孩子們沒吸引力。

  (2)呼吁:We appeal to the public to protect our wild animals.我們呼吁大眾來保護我們的野生動物。

  (3)上訴:He have appeal to the supreme court. 他向最高法院上訴。(supreme adj.最高的;至高的;最重要的;n.至高,霸權)

  (4)要求:The teacher listened to his appeal.老師傾聽了他的要求。

  7.apply to

  (1)適用于:The rules of safe driving apply to everyone.安全駕駛條例適用于每個人。

  (2)應用于:We should apply the theory to practice. 我們應該把這一理論應用于實踐。

  apply for:申請,請求

  I want to apply for Beijing University. 我想報考北京大學。

  application letter 求職信

  8.at ease:安逸,自由自在;舒適

  I feel at ease with my friend.我和朋友們在一起感到自在。

  9.back up

  (1)支持;援助:John is expecting us to back him up at the next meeting.

  (2)備份:To back up files is tedious work.把文檔備份是一項枯燥無味的工作。

  (3)倒退:Please back up your car a bit to let pedestrians pass.請你把車倒退一點,好讓行人通過。

  Pedestrian adj.徒步的;缺乏想象力的;n.行人,步行者;

  10.beat the crowd:避開人群,避開高峰

  11.be aware of:意識到

  12.behind the schedule:落后于預定計劃;(公交車)晚點;慢點

  13.in charge of

  (1)負…的責任= be responsible for;



  (4)照顧;The children were left in charge of the nurse.孩子們留下來由保姆照顧。

  14.be in the charge of 有…負責(被動)

  sth in the charge of sb 某事由某人負責

  15.be in season:應時的;當令的

  Fruit is cheapest in season. 水果在當令時最便宜。

  16.be supposed to do 應該;被期望

  17.book up 預定(票,車位,艙位等);全部預定完

  The plane is booked up to its full capacity.該航班的機票已被預訂一空。

  18.bring up:教育;培養(yǎng);撫養(yǎng);提出;嘔吐

  19.build up

  (1)積累:build up a fund 積累基金

  (2)增強(體質):The weightlifting built up his body. 舉重增強了他的體質。

  (3)樹立:She built up my confidence. 她樹立了我的信心。

  (4)蓋房子:The area has been built up since I moved.自我搬家以來這個地區(qū)就不斷地蓋起了新房。

  20.meet …by chance=run into=come across:偶然碰到

  21.by no means:絕不 ,一點也不,根本不 = anything but

  22.check in(在旅館、機場、大會等處)辦理登記手續(xù);記錄;報到

  check out 檢驗;結帳離開;通過考核;蓋章

  23.come up 走近;發(fā)生;開始;上升;發(fā)芽;被提出

  24.come up with(針對問題,挑戰(zhàn)等)提出,提議;想出;趕上

  25.concentrate on/focus on 集中

  26.deal with /cope with 處理

  27.drop in on sb/ drop in at sp:拜訪某人/某地

  28.drop out of:退出;輟學

  29.eat one's words 食言;承認錯誤;收回前言

  = swallow one's words

  30.fall short of

  (1)沒有達到,低于:The performance fell far short of our expectations. 演出遠遠低于我們的期望。

  (2)缺少:They fell short of provision. 他們缺少供給。

  31.figure out : 解決;算出;估計;想出;理解;斷定

  Father is trying to figure out his ta. x父親在設法計算出他的稅額。

  I can't figure out what he's trying to say. 我弄不懂他想說什么。

  32.find out 找出,查明;發(fā)現(xiàn),揭發(fā);計算出

  33.fit /meet/satisfy one's need:滿足某人需要

  34.for ages=for a long time 很久;很長時間

  35.get along with:取得進展;與…和睦相處;

  36.get around;到處走走;逃避;說服;傳開來(等于get round);有辦法應付

  37.be/get used to(doing sth)=be/getaccustomed to(doing sth)習慣于 ;使適應

  38.use to do:過去常常

  39.Go Dutch(各自付賬)/ split the bill(平均分擔費用)/ fifty-fifty(對半的,平均的,平分為二的)/ separate the bill(分開賬單)

  40.go sightseeing去觀光

  41.go on a diet=keep on a diet 節(jié)食,減肥

  42.have a hard/difficult time with sth. 在某事方面感到費勁

  43.have a temperature/fever發(fā)燒

  44.have the final say:有決定權

  45.hold up

  (1)攔劫,搶劫:The bank was held up last night.昨天夜里有人搶劫了這家銀行。

  (2)延續(xù);持續(xù);維持:The rain held up and there's no sign to clear up.雨依然在下,而且沒有放晴的跡象。

  (3)延期,推遲(后與 on 連用):He held up on the plan of visiting Europe. 他推遲了訪問歐洲的計劃。

  (4)使遭受,使蒙受;成為…的目標:He's held up humiliation by a momentary slip. 他因一念之差而蒙受屈辱。

  He has now been held up to be pursued killing. 他現(xiàn)在已成了追殺的目標。

  (5)舉起,抬起;使升高:She held up her arm and wiped her tears off. 她抬起手擦去了眼角的淚。

  (6)支撐,承受住;承擔:This old tree is held up by a post. 這棵老樹用一根柱子支撐著。

  46.in a good mood 心情好;好心情(反in a bad mood)

  47.in the long run/term:從長遠來看(反in the short term/run就眼前來說;從短期來看)

  48.join in=make in=participate in 加入;參加

  49.keep (it)between the two of us / keep a secret保密

  50.keep fit 保持(身體)健康

  51.keep in touch with 與…保持聯(lián)系

  52.knock it off/stop 停止做;住口,別再講下去了

  53.lay off 解雇;不理會;使下崗;休息;停止工作

  54.let out 放走,泄露

  55.look for a needle in a haystack:大海撈針

  56.make a hit:獲得成功

  57.make ends meet:使收支相抵;量入為出

  58.make sense:有意義;有道理;講得通

  59.make up:









  60.meet each other half way:相互讓步;相互妥協(xié)

  make an agreement 達成協(xié)議;達成共識

  61.move on:/go on/continue/keep on 往前走,前進;出發(fā),離開

  62.nothing but:只有;只不過

  63.anything but:決不,根本不

  64.now that:既然;由于

  65.on earth: [用于疑問詞后加強語氣]究竟,到底;[常用于最高級或否定詞后加強語氣]地球上,世界上,人世間

  66.on purpose :有意地;故意地;有目的地

  67.out of the world:/wonderful/amazing 無比優(yōu)秀的;極好的,非凡的

  68.pull in 進站,靠岸

  69.pull through:痊愈,恢復健康;渡過難關

  70.put off/delay/ 推遲;扔掉;阻止

  71.put through:接通電話;完成;使穿過;使從事,使經受

  72.reach the bottom of the barrel: use up/run out of 用完

  73.resign one's post /quit 辭職

  74.ring a bell:(聲音)聽著熟悉;使回憶起

  75.run off 逃跑;印出;流掉;進行決賽

  76.sign up for報名參加;注冊,選課

  77.sneak(偷偷地做;暗中進行的)up on sb.= creep(爬行;慢慢地移動)up on sb偷偷接近,靠近

  78.take …for granted:想當然;認為…理所當然(conj 算是如此,但是)

  79.take one's time(doing sth)從容不迫; 不慌不忙(干某事)

  80.take one's word for it相信某人的話; 相信某人的話就是了(trust sb=have trust in sb=believe in sb相信某人;信任某人)

  81.the reverse is also true:反之亦然(reverse反面,背面;相反)

  82.tie up with和…有密切關系

  83.be / get tired of=be /get bored of厭煩

  be tired from因…而厭倦;因…而疲勞

  84.under the weather:身體不舒服

  85.well-off/rich people 富有的人

  (well-off adj. 富裕的;順利的,走運的;繁榮昌盛的)

  86.white elephant:無價值的東西,廢物

  87.white lie:善意的謊言;小謊話;為了不使人難堪而說的謊話;圓場話

  88.you bet :當然;肯定地

  (bet n. 打賭,賭注;被打賭的事物vt. 打賭;敢斷定,確信vi. 打賭)

  89.break down:

  (1)出故障;壞掉;毀掉:The telephone system has broken down.電話系統(tǒng)癱瘓了。

  (2)失?。篘egotiations between the two sides have broken down. 雙方談判失敗了。

  (3)使分解(為):Sugar and starch are broken down. 糖和淀粉被分解了。


  (5)中止,中斷,停頓,破裂:Talks have broken down over the disputed territory. 對有爭議的領土問題的談判破裂了。

  90.run into遭遇,陷入;撞上,撞到;偶然遇見

  91.come across

  (1)偶遇:Perhaps I shall come across him in France. 也許我會在法國遇見他。

  (2)無意中發(fā)現(xiàn):I came across this book in an old bookstore in London. 我在倫敦一家舊書店里發(fā)現(xiàn)了這本書。

  (3)講得清楚明白:Your speech didn't come across; nobody understood your opinion. 你的演說講得不明不白,沒有人能聽懂你的意思。

  (4)給人…印象:He came across to me as being quite a nice persom. 他在我的印象中是一個挺好的人。








