One of the biggest problems is speed. Native speakers, especially business people, tend to speak very quickly on the telephone. Here are some practical tips to get native speakers of English to slow down!
Immediately ask the person to speak slowly.
When taking note of a name or important information, repeat each piece of information as the person speaks.
This is an especially effective tool. By repeating each important piece of information or each number or letter as the spell or give you a telephone number you automatically slow the speaker down.
Do not say you have understood if you have not. Ask the person to repeat until you have understood.
Remember that the other person needs to make himself/herself understood and it is in his/her interest to make sure that you have understood. If you ask a person to explain more than twice they will usually slow down.
If the person does not slow down begin speaking your own language!
A sentence or two of another language spoken quickly will remind the person that they are fortunate because THEY do not need to speak a different language to communicate. Used carefully, this exercise in humbling the other speaker can be very effective. Just be sure to use it with colleagues and not with a boss
擴大赤字 expand deficit
激活力、補短板、強實體 incentivize market entities2, strengthen weak links and boost the real economy
自我革命 self-targeted revolution
你若喜愛你自己的價值,你就得給世界創(chuàng)造價值 If you want to love your own value, you must create value for the world.
人才紅利 talent dividend
產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)調(diào)整優(yōu)化“跨了欄” the adjustment and improvement of industrial structure has progressed by leaps and bounds
“大水漫灌”式的強刺激 indiscriminate strong economic stimulus
放松銀根 ease monetary policy
對體制性障礙“拆藩籬”remove systemic obstacles
對結(jié)構(gòu)性矛盾“動手術(shù)” address structural problems
彌補發(fā)展中的“短板”,做強實體經(jīng)濟的“筋骨” strengthen weak links in development and in the real economy
樹立起互利共贏的新標(biāo)桿 set up a new model of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation
和而不同 harmony without uniformity
多元一體 unity in diversity
掘井九軔,必得其水 You will surely see water coming out if you really dig deep enough
共謀貿(mào)易發(fā)展“大棋局” make a "grand strategy" to promote growth in trade
