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  A growing number of women are developing something called 'computer face', a leading cosmetic surgeon said.

  Dr Michael Prager said professionals who worked long hours in front of a screen were ending up with saggy jowls, 'turkey neck' and deep-set wrinkles on their forehead and around their eyes.更多信息請訪問:http://www.24en.com/

  The Botox specialist said that, of all his clientele, office workers were most likely to show premature signs of ageing.

  'If you are one of the unfortunate people who frown or squint while they are concentrating at the screen then, over time, you will inevitably end up with frown lines,' Dr Prager, 42, said.

  'What is perhaps more surprising is the number of women with saggy jowls because they are sitting in one position for so long.

  'If you spend most of the time looking down then the neck muscles shorten and go saggy, eventually giving you a second neck.

  'We are seeing a lot of women who work in executive jobs in offices who have this problem.' Dr Prager, who has a practice near Harley Street in London, said he encourages his clients to put a mirror next to their computer so they can see if they are frowning at the screen.

  'When people are stressed or thinking hard about something then they will often put on a "grumpy face" without even knowing what they are doing. When my clients put a mirror next to their desk they are often shocked by the angry, frowning face which stares back at them.'

  He warned that a generation of younger men and women who had grown up with information technology were developing 'computer face' at a much earlier age.

  He said: 'The women I am seeing at the moment have only been using computers at work for the last decade or so. But women in their 20s have grown up with them and use them for every single task.

  'It will be completely different for them and I think the problem is going to become much, much worse. In another ten years, they could be looking quite awful.'

  Dr Prager said there were several simple steps which could stave off computer face such as regular screen breaks and stretching the neck muscles. And, of course, there was always Botox.

  He said that, after a couple of sessions of Botox, the habit of 'grumpy face' could be broken.


  Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) 亞太經(jīng)合組織

  亞太經(jīng)合組織(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)成立于1989年,由亞太地區(qū)21個成員經(jīng)濟體(member economies)組成,成員包括:澳大利亞、 文萊、 加拿大、 智利、 中國、 中國香港、 印度尼西亞、 日本、 韓國、 馬來西亞、 墨西哥、 新西蘭、 巴布亞新幾內(nèi)亞、 秘魯)、 菲律賓、 俄羅斯、 新加坡、Chinese Taipei、 泰國、 美國、 越南。

  東盟秘書處(the ASEAN Secretariat)、太平洋經(jīng)濟合作理事會(Pacific Economic Cooperation Council)和太平洋島國論壇(Pacific Islands Forum)為該組織觀察員,可參加亞太經(jīng)合組織部長級及其以下各層次的會議和活動。

  APEC領(lǐng)導人非正式會議每年輪流在各成員經(jīng)濟體舉辦,大部分領(lǐng)導人非正式會議結(jié)束時,與會的首腦都會穿上主辦地區(qū)的特色服裝拍一張全家福(family photo)。

  承辦領(lǐng)導人非正式會議的成員還需同時承辦同年的部長會議、高管會議等不同層級的會議。部長會議(Ministerial Meeting)每年在領(lǐng)導人會議前舉行一次,專業(yè)部長會議(Sectoral Ministerial Meetings)不定期舉行。高官會(Senior Officials' Meeting)每年舉行3至4次會議,一般由各成員司局級或大使級官員組成。

  Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) 上海合作組織

  上海合作組織是哈薩克斯坦共和國、中華人民共和國、吉爾吉斯共和國、俄羅斯聯(lián)邦、塔吉克斯坦共和國、烏茲別克斯坦共和國,六個國家于2001年6月15日在中國上海宣布成立的永久性政府間國際組織(permenant inter-governmental international organization)。它的前身是“上海五國”(Shanghai Five)機制。

  上海合作組織成員(members):中國、哈薩克斯坦、吉爾吉斯斯坦、俄羅斯、塔吉克斯坦和烏茲別克斯坦;觀察員國家(observers)有:阿富汗、蒙古國、伊朗、巴基斯坦和印度;對話伙伴國(Dialogue Partners)有:白俄羅斯、土耳其、斯里蘭卡。

  上海合作組織的最高決策機構(gòu)是成員國元首理事會(The Council of Heads of State)。上海合作組織有兩個常設機構(gòu),分別是設在北京的秘書處(The Secretariat of the SCO)和設在塔什干的地區(qū)反恐怖機構(gòu)(The Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure, RATS)。

  BRICS 金磚國家

  2001年,美國高盛公司首席經(jīng)濟師吉姆·奧尼爾(Jim O'Neill)首次提出“金磚四國(BRIC)”這一概念,特指新興市場(emerging market)投資代表?!敖鸫u四國”(BRIC)引用了巴西(Brazil)、俄羅斯(Russia)、印度(India)和中國(China)的英文首字母。由于該詞與英語單詞的磚(Brick)類似,因此被稱為“金磚四國”。

  2008年-2009年,相關(guān)國家舉行系列會談和建立峰會機制,拓展為國際政治實體。2010年南非(South Africa)加入后,其英文單詞變?yōu)椤癇RICS”,并改稱為“金磚國家”。

  The Group of Twenty(G20) 二十國集團

  二十國集團由19個國家(阿根廷, 澳大利亞, 巴西, 加拿大, 中國, 法國, 德國, 印度, 印度尼西亞, 意大利, 日本, 韓國, 墨西哥, 俄羅斯, 沙特阿拉伯, 南非, 土耳其, 英國, 美國)和歐盟(the European Union)構(gòu)成,聚集了世界主要發(fā)達和新興經(jīng)濟體的領(lǐng)導人,共同應對全球經(jīng)濟面臨的挑戰(zhàn)。為保證二十國集團的討論能夠代表眾多國家的利益,每年二十國集團的主席都邀請嘉賓國(guest countries)參加包括領(lǐng)導人峰會在內(nèi)的本年度會議。

  二十國集團經(jīng)濟體的領(lǐng)導人每年召開一次會議,而二十國集團的財政部長與央行行長每年會召開數(shù)次會議,商討提振全球經(jīng)濟(strengthen the global economy)、改革全球金融機構(gòu)(reform international financial institutions)、改進金融規(guī)章(improve financial regulation)以及在每個成員經(jīng)濟體實施必要的經(jīng)濟改革(implement the key economic reforms that are needed in each member economy)的方式。

  二十國集團得到各國際組織提供的分析和建議支持,這些組織包括金融穩(wěn)定委員會(the Financial Stability Board)、國際勞工組織(the International Labour Organisation)、國際貨幣基金(the International Monetary1 Fund)、經(jīng)濟合作與發(fā)展組織(Economic Co-operation and Development)、聯(lián)合國(the United Nations)、世界銀行(the World Bank)和世界貿(mào)易組織(the World Trade Organization)。這些組織的代表受邀參加二十國集團的主要會議。








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