multimedia message
All incoming or modified SMS, MMS and email items are automatically scanned for malicious programs.
Messages (text messages, MMS and WAP push messages) are silently filtered with no sound or light indication.
This System Software Upgrade corrects MMS issues, MSN contact list issues and streaming issues in Hong Kong and Malaysia.
Advanced Blocker is an all-in-one solution to help you filter unwanted voice calls, video calls, text messages, MMS and WAP Push messages.
Many African mobile users depend on functionality that is locked out by the iPhone, such as full access to the Bluetooth stack and MMS capabilities.
* All actions with contacts: dialing, sending SMS, MMS or e-mail, opening web-browser, contacts search, adding contacts, editing, support of categories, etc.
Among the highlights of the announcement were the availability of a new homescreen, MMS, copy and paste, and the long expected arrival of push notifications.
Each phone includes the typical BlackBerry applications such as web browser, SMS, email, phone, MMS and full qwerty keyboard technologies to deliver a full and complete BlackBerry experience
All incoming or modified SMS, MMS and email items are automatically scanned for malicious programs.
Messages (text messages, MMS and WAP push messages) are silently filtered with no sound or light indication.
Other new features include the ability to save videos from the Mail and MMS app.
However, the most notable change in the latest OS update is the re-inclusion ofMMS.
The service handles both SMS and MMS (text and multimedia) messaging inNorth America, Europe and Africa.
Many African mobile users depend on functionality that is locked out by theiPhone, such as full access to the Bluetooth stack and MMS capabilities.
Even using two other Vodafone phones between the UK and Spain, MMS willnever work for me either.
蘋(píng)果與AT&T最近可謂麻煩連連,本月 他們已經(jīng)是第三次被消費(fèi)者起訴在宣傳iPhone3GS時(shí)有誤導(dǎo)消費(fèi)者的行為,這位用戶(hù)宣稱(chēng)兩家廠商 欺騙消費(fèi)者稱(chēng)iPhone3GS能夠支持彩信功能,而在目前的實(shí)際產(chǎn)品上卻無(wú)法實(shí)現(xiàn)這種功能 。
For at least the third time this month, Apple and AT&T are being sued by aconsumer complaining of being duped into believing that multimedia messaging, or MMS, was already available on the iPhone.
Android allows SMS and MMS. SMS messages can be composed and sent viavoice commands.
使用支付服務(wù)的一個(gè)常見(jiàn)情況是客戶(hù)機(jī)使用基于Web 的短信服務(wù)(ShortMessagingService,SMS)或彩信服務(wù)(MultimediaMessagingService,MMS)。
A common scenario for you to use a Payment service is when your client uses aWeb-based SMS (Short Messaging Service) or MMS (Multimedia MessagingService).
Then there is the fact that multiple blogs are reporting news from anonymousAT&T tipsters saying that MMS will be enabled via the next iPhone OS update.
There’s still no voice dialing, video recording, copy-and-paste, memory-card slot,Bluetooth stereo audio or phone-to-phone photo sending (MMS).
There are several reasons to believe why the upcoming iPhone OS 3.1 updatewill include MMS.
據(jù)InformationWeek透露,當(dāng)蘋(píng)果發(fā)布iPhone OS3.0升級(jí)的時(shí)候,蘋(píng)果和AT&T曾向這些消費(fèi)者宣傳稱(chēng)今年6月17日會(huì)開(kāi)放iPhone手機(jī)上的彩信功能。
According to the latest lawsuit, first reported by InformationWeek, customers weretold that MMS would be enabled on June 17, 2009, when iPhone OS 3.0 wasreleased.
Most importantly is the fact that the update firmware actually includes thefunctionality switched on by default.
Advertising revenue was in line with Sina's guidance, while nonadvertisingrevenue, which mostly comes from mobile value-added services such asmultimedia messaging, exceeded the forecast.
It is well known that video telephone exists, but seldom were we told thatsomebody in China owned such a telephone in his family. We have long sent thee-photos via the Internet.
It’s self winding, has a minute repeater, perpetual calendar, equation of time,jumping hour, power reserve indicator, and a bimetallic thermometer – everythingbut MMS messaging.
Among the highlights of the announcement were the availability of a newhomescreen, MMS, copy and paste, and the long expected arrival of pushnotifications.
It provides the easiest and the fastest way to personalise images taken withphone's in-built camera, received over MMS or any other medium.
Mobile phone viruses use ordinary SMS, MMS, Internet browsing, downloadsoftware and ringtones, etc, will also be transmitted attack expanded to mobilegateway, WAP server or other network equipment.
Plus eCouponing with MMS and SMS, AR or QR codes and a series of otherpromotional tools and programs.